Not Knowing What You Don’t Know and Knowing What You Don’t Know

This is more about things I know that it’s probable that you don’t (ergo “knowing what you don’t know”)…

As it says on my Twitter home page, I’m an  “ICT individual #Ericsson / Husband / Father / just trying to keep up; next generation (#5G)? – all things connected all the time (#IoT)?#Airborne #Ranger”. Oh, here it is.

Thinking about it, I’m not even sure that tells much or gives any insights about me. Does it? So what.

So what? Geez, thinking again to myself, shouldn’t that say something about me? Yeah, guess it should…what is this “ICT individual” I list? If you’re in the know on such things, we don’t say “I work in telecommunications” anymore…it has morphed into “Information and Communications Technology” (yee-haw). I could go on, but I wont. If you want to know more, look it up (I linked to a definition of it). Oh snap, I may have a blog post topic idea!

#Ericsson. I work for Ericsson. Big Telecoms ICT player in the world today.

I’m a husband. Married to a wonder woman named Teena. I’m proud to say I’m working every day to be a great husband. I’m hoping I am currently I’m somewhere between “Ok” and “Good” – you’d have to ask Teena.

I’m a father – Charles Nathaniel (Nate) is our son. He lives in Houston. He’s smarter than me.

I’m “just trying to keep up”. Yep, that’s how I feel with regard to everything going on around me, around us, around everything I guess.  I’m especially focused on the “next generation” and I now feel that is beyond the scope of technology – I list 5G as an interest more as a dimension than a tech standard that is around the corner. I should list “7G” as I now see the next generation from society’s perspective as well and that does interest me significantly. If you’re wondering what I mean by 7G, I’m referring to the fact that there are 6 living generations on earth today (according to So it makes sense that 7G is up next, right?

Going back to the 5G thing from a tech perspective, when I listed that as part of my Twitter “about me” attributes (some 4 years ago I think), I also referenced a note from Ericsson’s look-ahead strategy which spoke to a “Networked Society” and “all things being connected all the time”. E/// (shorthand abbreviation for us E/// folk – more on that at another time), still carries this speak forward today. Others have established something we are all beginning to know of and use in our buzz speak and that is the “IoT” or Internet of Things. I referenced that back when I set up my Twitter account also.

Final note: I’ve got #Airborne and #Ranger in my Twitter attributes listing. In a life before Teena and Nate I was a communications guy in the US Army (Signal Corps), and I wore jump wings and a Ranger Tab as part of that life. I want to emphasize for any and all who have knowledge of such things, when people (like Teena and my Dad) tell others or refer to me as being an Airborne Ranger while in the Army, I usually grimace a bit with that. I passed all the training required to fall out of C-130s and C-141s at the time, as well as enduring the 56 glorious days provided to me by the Army’s Ranger Training Brigade. However I was never was assigned to an Airborne unit, which includes any element of the 75th Ranger Regiment.

Oops, I dropped the mic.

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