Pizza Delivery By Drone?

The topic comes from my “List of Mindful Chaos” that I made up in early 2018. It was (still is) my list of topics for blogging content, I posted it here (Get On With It Now – Feb 2018). I playfully named it my “list of mindful chaos”. It’s a listing of items that were trendy topics in our wacky world, with a somewhat common thread of technology woven throughout. There are a couple items from left field, but most were commonly being tossed about in our society. That’s where “Pizza Delivery by Drone” comes in. We also had Amazon and FedEx package delivery by drones being bandied about and when I thought about it, I didn’t really think we’d see it in reality, not in my time anyways.

Yes, GPS technology has come a long way since the days of a using a Slugger mounted in my Humvee (if you know that reference, thank you for your service). But food and beverages and who knows what else being ordered online or from an app on my mobile device and then dropping down from the sky? It was difficult to digest the whole concept.

Well thanks to my friends You Tube and Google, I have learned that was then and this is now.

Are you aware of:

  • Project Wing, being driven by Google’s holding company Alphabet?
  • Amazon’s drone delivery testing?
  • Uber Eats boasting of delivering McDonald’s Big Mac in San Diego this year?
  • Flirtey? A smaller, nimble company competing in the space as well, advertising mail food packages, medical devises…all delivered by drone!

I watched a few hours of video and saw pizzas, hot coffee, books and burritos being delivered by drones.

Geez, where had I been? How did I miss all of this happening?

But I have to admit I still see problems for drones bringing me fresh sushi or the dog food I buy with a drone. What about the neighborhoods that have trees and vegetation like the triple canopy jungles in Vietnam? How will delivery to apartments be handled? What about the congested urban areas?

What happens when you order 3 pizzas, a dozen wings, some cheesy bread and 2 liters of soda? Will we have a Chinook and Sikorsky Skycrane drones capable of hauling such a load? Or will there be a V-formation of drones flying down the street like the Blue Angels?

Oh, and what about the bad guys? There are always bad guys. What happens when an adversarial Mig fighter drone from the evil competition comes in to intercept your pizza-toting drone? Will we have drone dogfights?

I hope the drones can fly inverted like Goose and Maverick.

“Because I was inverted…”

I don’t know how this will work out, but I can’t wait to see it.

What’s my next topic? You pick and let me know. Here’s a few leading candidates from the List of Mindful Chaos:

  • Digital Exhaust
  • Promote the Right (side of the brain)
  • Biometric Security
  • Ball Bearings and #2 Pencils
  • Electro Hypersensitivity

Stay tuned!


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